Many factories are located on soils which have not been sufficiently compacted.
Resulting problems include:
- Sinking foundations
- Concrete slabs deflecting (bending)
- Dynamic loads from heavy machinery causing settlement
- QA problems for Machinery & Lathes
- Floors not level disrupting loading of high bay racks
- Development of trip hazards which are dangerous to staff and to product
- Cracking walls which destroy themselves if the problem is not resolved
Inability to run some machines e.g. robots, printing presses and glass making because of out of level flooring.
Many factory owners attempt to overcome these issues by relocating plant and equipment. This is only a very temporary fix, even though it can be expensive depending on the type of machinery being re-located. Some owners even overlay the floors with a self-leveling epoxy which fixes the out of level issues in the short term, but does not solve the underlying cause and the overlay cracks as the slab continues to settle.
The basic problem is the low bearing capacity of the soft soils below. Even breaking out sunken slabs and recasting new ones in place will not increase the bearing capacity of the soft soils and further subsidence will result over time.
The solution is to compact and “densify” the underlying soils, improving the bearing capacity to the point where they correctly support the factory floor slabs and the loads on the floor slabs. To reduce the risk of future downtime due to failed concrete slabs, Uretek India can inject the soft soils, compacting them and re-leveling the floors. If moving machinery is causing you loss of production or simply bad QA then Uretek India technology can be adopted as a maintenance measure and applied under important areas of machinery. This can be accomplished without losing any production days as Uretek India structural geo-resins can be injected while the factory &/or machine continues to operate.

Factory walls cracked due to sunken foundations

Foundations lifted 110mm closing wall gaps

Also factory floors lifted & re-levelled permanently

Sunken kitchen floor & loose, sloping nib wall

Open joint between sloping nib wall & external wall

Floor Lifting relevels nib wall, closes gaps